Become a Member

Membership Critera

A candidate seeking a Membership of the institute at any category:

  • Shall be nominated for the membership of the respective category by two members in the manner prescribed by the institute. In case of corporate Membership, at least one of these Nominators shall be a fellow member and the other shall be a Corporate Member, and in case of Fellow Membership, both the Nominators shall be Fellow Members.
  • Shall have submitted all necessary documents as required by the institute.
  • Shall have paid due fees, upon the notice made by the Institute.

A candidate who is seeking for any of the categories of the Membership of the institute shall satisfy the Council of the Institute with the following:

Fellow Member

2.1.1 Every candidate for the admission to the grade of Fellow Member shall:

2.1.1(a) Have been a Corporate Member of the Institute of Town Planners, Sri Lanka for a continuous period of not less than seven years
2.1.1(b) Have been engaged for a period of not less than seven years in the practice in the field of Town & Country Planning in a middle management position or above and have made a contribution, acceptable to the Council.

2.1.2 In considering a nomination for the Fellow Membership the Council shall:

2.1.2(a) Award credits to experience in the teaching of the field of Town & Country Planning at a recognized academic institute, after gaining the Corporate Membership of the Institute.
2.1.2(b) Award adequate credit to professional consultancy experience gained after Corporate Membership, and
2.1.2(c) Award adequate credit to research papers on topics related to Town and Country planning carried out after Corporate Membership.
2.1.2(d) Appoint a committee that shall consist of two Past Presidents to scrutinize the nomination and make recommendations to the Council.

2.1.3 The Council may at its discretion consider a Fellow of a recognized Institute to Town Planners to confer Honorary Fellowship taking into account the contribution made by him to the furtherance of the field of Town & Country Planning in Sri Lanka. Such Honorary fellowship will not provide any right to practice Town Planning in Sri Lanka and hold office or voting rights in the Institute.

Corporate Member

2.2.1 Every candidate for admission to the grade of Corporate Member shall:

2.2.1(a) Have passed the Part III of the Eligibility for Membership examination, annually conducted by the Institute
2.2.1(b) Have obtained Associate Membership of the Institute by the date of the application for the Corporate Membership
2.2.1(c) Have planning related work experience for three years in Sri Lanka after obtaining the Associate Membership, and out of these three years minimum of one year shall be under the direct supervision of a Chartered Town Planner, as defined in section 4.1
All three years of experience under the direct supervision of a Chartered Town Planner, as defined in section 4.1 and, out these three years minimum of one year shall be after the fulfillment of all qualifications required to be admitted to the Associate Membership of the Institute as mentioned in section 2.3.1.
2.2.1(d) Submitted the duly completed Log Sheets of work experience as specified in 2.2.1(c) above, and assessed by a panel appointed for the same by the Council of the Institute.
2.2.1(e) Submit the evidence for participation of;

1. At least TWO Continuing Professional Development programme, organized by the Young Planners’ Forum, which is approved by the Executive Council of the Institute;
2. At least ONE Continuing Professional Development Programme, organized by the Professional Affairs Board of the Institute

(Amendment 29/03/2019 AGM)

2.2.2 The Council will consider the exempt requirement in Section 2.2.1(b) above only under special circumstances, provided a candidate has fulfilled all other requirements.

2.2.3 Every candidate for admission to the grade of Corporate Member shall pass an oral examination (viva voice), conducted by an examination panel, which shall be appointed by the Executive Council of the Institute.
(Amendment 29/03/2019 AGM)

2.2.4  Every candidate for facing the oral examination (viva voice), shall have planning-related work experience for one year in Sri Lanka, after passing the Part III examination.
(Amendment 29/03/2019 AGM)

Associate Member

2.3.1 Every candidate for admission to the grade of Associate Member shall:

2.3.1(a) Have Passed the Part II of the Eligibility for Membership examination, conducted by the Institute
2.3.1(b) Hold a Postgraduate Degree of not less than two academic years duration in the field of Town & Country Planning as per the definition given in sections 4.2 (a) and section 4.3 below from a University, accredited by the Institute,
2.3.1(c) Hold a Postgraduate Degree or Postgraduate Diploma of not less than one academic year in the field of Town & Country Planning as per the definition given in section 4.2 (a) and section 4.3 below from a University, accredited by the Institute, and Minimum of one year experience in the field of Town & Country Planning after obtaining the qualification
2.3.1(d) Hold a Bachelors Degree of not less than four academic years in the field of Town & Country Planning as per the definition given in section 4.2 (a) and section 4.3 below from a University, accredited by the Institute,
2.3.1(e) Hold a Postgraduate qualification in an allied discipline as per the definition given in section 4.2 (b) and section 4.3 below and posses not less than ten years experience in the field of Town & Country Planning of which not less than five years in a middle management position or above and Having passed Part II of the Eligibility for Membership examination of the Institute.

2.3.2 All academic qualifications given in sections (b), (c), (d) and (e) of 2.3.1 above shall be awarded by the programmes periodically accredited by the Board of Education of the Institute

2.3.3 Every applicant for the grade of Member, possessing a qualification in Town & Country Planning from a foreign University as per the definition given in section 4.2
2.3.3(a) and section 4.3 below, in addition to the academic requirements given above shall sit for an examination in “Planning Legislation and Procedure in Sri Lanka” conducted by the Institute and reach pass standard at such examination.

2.3.4 Every candidate for admission to the grade of Associate Member shall hold the Student Membership; AND shall attend at-least ONE Continuing Professional Development program organized by the Young Planners’ Forum, which is approved by the Executive Council of ITPSL
(Amendment 29/03/2019 AGM)

Student Member

2.4.1 Every candidate for admission to the grade of Student Member shall:

2.4.1(a) currently registered to follow a study programme leading to a qualification in the field of Town & Country Planning being conducted by an academic institution accredited by the Institute.

3.1 Upon admission to any category of Membership the Member shall continue his/her membership annually by:
(a) Payment of Relevant Membership Fee, as prescribed by the Institute, before March 15 every year
(b) Clearing all dues to the Institute as a Member, if there are any,
(c) Clearing himself/ herself from all inquiries, related to the professional conduct of the Member, carried out by the Institute.

3.2 Any Member who has failed to continue the membership as given in 3.1 above shall apply to the Council do so by:
(a) Submitting a new application.
(b) Paying all arrears for the period since the last date of the valid membership.

4.1 ‘Town Planner’ is a Corporate Member of the Institute of Town Planners Sri Lanka.

(a) A degree or Diploma in the field of Town & Country Planning referred to have meant a University Degree of Diploma of Higher Education Institute in any planning discipline related to Town & Country Planning, Urban Planning, Urban & Regional Planning, Urban Development, Housing Development, Physical Planning, Spatial Planning, Development Planning, Environmental Planning and Urban Design that fulfills the requirements given in section 4.3.
(b) A degree or Diploma in an “Allied Discipline” referred to have meant a University Degree or Diploma or a Diploma of Higher Education Institution in any discipline indirectly related to the field of Town & Country Planning that fulfills the requirement given in section 4.3

4.3 Any academic programme recognized for the above purpose shall consist of:
(a) National, Regional and Local Planning Projects and Planning Related Research Projects as the core modules, and carry a minimum of 20{2e185c8e6c5e1e656a208ad1ff2ca73c0bfd10a69b8f1fd4eb5df77872e5ff05} of the total weight of the course and
(b) Also, include Planning Legislation, Planning Methods and Policies, Regional Planning, Local Planning, Community Planning, Infrastructure Planning, Urban Management, Environment Planning, Planning History, Planning Theory and Planning Techniques in the core components of the other modules which carry minimum 30{2e185c8e6c5e1e656a208ad1ff2ca73c0bfd10a69b8f1fd4eb5df77872e5ff05} of the total weight of the course.

4.4 The ‘Institute’ is the ‘Institute of Town Planners Sri Lanka’

Apply For Membership

  • All the direct planning working experience certification letters, nominator’s form and any other supporting documents should be certified by the respective professionals using their professional seal issued by the institute. Professional Seal should be valid for the period of signing.
  • The professional experience certification under the direct supervision of a Town Planner (Fellow or Corporate Member of the ITPSL who obtained the corporate membership before five (5) years from the date of commencement of this internship) should be obtained and supervising planner’s valid Professional seal should be placed.
  • Certificate of planning related work experience should be issued on a letter by the head of the institute or HR Unit head or a chartered town planner. The letter should contain the planning related work carried out during the period in detail with the time periods and level of involvement whether full or part time basis etc. Professional seal of the responsible person providing letter should be placed in the letter.


  • You have to submit the original/certified copies of the scanned documents to the ITPSL to once you are notified.
  • A processing fee of Rs. 500.00 is charged for each submission of the application. The payment should be credited to the following account and the Deposit Slip should be submitted with the application. Sampath Bank, Battaramulla Branch. Account Number 106161001525. All the processing fee payment shall be made within 14 days prior to submit the application.
  • Scanned copy of National Identity Card (NIC) / Passport.
  • Digital Photograph with standards applied for passport photographs. Maximum size 2MB.
  • Scanned copies of Service Letter(s) supporting to working experiences claims. (If more than one document, ZIP / RAR all into a single file).
  • Scanned copies of Supporting Documents for the claims for involvements in Academic Field. (If more than one document, ZIP / RAR all into a single file).
  • Scanned copies of Supporting Documents for the claims for involvements in Consultancy Services. (If more than one document, ZIP / RAR all into a single file).
  • Scanned copies of Supporting Documents for the claims for Research Publications. (If more than one document, ZIP / RAR all into a single file).
  • Scanned copy of ONE citation, provided by a Fellow Member of the Institute. For more information, contact the Institute.
  • Scanned copies of TWO declaration forms, provided by two Members, who nominate the applicant for the Fellow Membership.
  • All members do recommend the applicant have to stamp their membership Seal of the ITPSL on the document.
  • Proof for the processing fee payment – Scanned copy of the Bank Deposit Slip
  • Scanned copy of National Identity Card (NIC) / Passport.
  • Digital Photograph with standards applied for passport photographs. Maximum size 2MB.
  • Scanned copies of Service Letter(s) supporting to working experiences claims. (If more than one document, ZIP / RAR all into a single file).
  • Scanned copy of the ITPSL Part III Examination certificate.
  • Scanned copies of the CPD Attendance Certificates obtained while holding the Associate Membership (TWO organized by the YPF, and ONE organized by the ITPSL)
  • Scanned copies of TWO declaration forms, provided by two Members, who nominate the applicant for the Corporate Membership.
  • Proof for the processing fee payment – Scanned copy of the Bank Deposit Slip
  • Scanned copy of National Identity Card (NIC) / Passport.
  • Digital Photograph with standards applied for passport photographs. Maximum size 2MB.
  • Scanned copy of the Transcript of Degree Programme/ Postgraduate Diploma / ITPSL Part II Examination. (If more than one document, ZIP / RAR all into a single file).
  • Scanned copies of Service Letter(s) supporting to working experiences claims, if applicable. (If more than one document, ZIP / RAR all into a single file)
  • Scanned copy of the CPD Attendance Certificate obtained while holding the Student Membership (Organized by the YPF)
  • Scanned copies of TWO declaration forms, provided by two Members, who nominate the applicant for the Associate Membership.
  • Proof for the processing fee payment – Scanned copy of the Bank Deposit Slip
  • Scanned copy of National Identity Card (NIC) / Passport.
  • Digital Photograph with standards applied for passport photographs. Maximum size 2MB.
  • Scanned copy of the supporting documentation to prove the studentship of a qualified academic programme.
  • Letter obtained within 3 month period to the date of application from the Head or Registrar of the institute confirming the studentship of the academic programme.
  • Scanned copies of TWO declaration forms, provided by two Members, who nominate the applicant for the Student Membership.
  • Proof for the processing fee payment – Scanned copy of the Bank Deposit Slip