Annual General meeting and 2021/22 and the 40th Anniversary Celebrations Event of the ITPSL

The Annual General Meeting 2021/22 and the 40th Anniversary Celebrations Event of the ITPSL concluded successfully on 26th March 2022.

Annual General meeting –

Five applicants were elected as New Members of the ITPSL


Plnr. (Prof.) P.K.S. Mahanama – Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University of Moratuwa

Plnr. N.P.K. Ranaweera – Director General of the Urban Development Authority.

40th Anniversary Celebrations Event

The 40th Anniversary was celebrated under the timely theme of “Facing the Future with Confidence”.

Hon. Dr. Nalaka Godahewa, State Minister of Urban Development, Waste Disposal, and Community Cleanliness participated in the event as the Chief Guest.

Vidyajothi Emeritus Professor Dr. Willie Mendis – The past President(FITPSL), addressed the gathering on the Evolution of Urban Planning as a Profession in Sri Lanka.

 Plnr. Hemantha Jayasundara, – Past President (FITPSL) delivered a presentation on the Way forward of the Profession.

Special Guest Presentation was delivered by CHEC Port City Colombo Pvt. Ltd. on Colombo Port City Development Project.

Congratulations to All the Winners of the ITPSL Awards 2021

  1. ITPSL Honorary Award (A lifetime Award) – J. M. L. Jayasekara – Past President, (FITPSL)
  2. ITPSL Award for Planning Excellence (Planning Processes and Programs) – Planning Team of the Urban Development Authority for the Preparation of Ratnapura Development Plan 2021-2030
  3. ITPSL Award for Planning Excellence (Planning Projects) – Planning Team of the Canopus Pvt Ltd. for the Development of Ariyakulam Aqua-Leisure Park
  4. ITPSL Award for Planning Research – Charithmali Chethika Abenayake & Plnr. Amila Buddhika Jayasinghe of the University of Moratuwa
  5. Emerging Planner of the Year – Plnr. Kadampeswaran Thulasivarman
  6. Young Planner of the Year – Dilan Sankalpa

The President and the Executive Council Members 2021/2022, appreciate the Chairman, Convener, and the organizing team of the 40th Anniversary committee, for the support and dedication rendered by spending their time and skills for the success of the 40th Anniversary Celebrations of the ITPSL and also thank the members, who joined with the event physically and online and for supporting the event in various ways.

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