Your kind attention is drawn to the gazette notification Extraordinary Gazette No. 1597/8 dated 19 April 2017 specifying requirement of a professional town planners certification when submitting applications to UDA and Local Authorities for land development activities ( Subdivision, Amalgamation etc).

It was noted that our members provide the planning certification on the original survey plan prepared by licensed surveyors. The surveyors have objected to this practice and the Council at its meeting held on 13th July 2018 agreed to issue instructions to all members to comply when certifying planning documentation.

Planning certification of a Town Planners should always be submitted as a separate document sealed and signed by the member using the official seal issued by the Institute.

A member should place neither their seal nor the signature on original survey plans but, attach a copy of the survey plan with a note referring to the planning certificate given.

The Institute has agreed with the Surveyors Institute Sri Lanka to refrain from signing on the original survey plans and therefore all members should strictly follow this instruction with immediate effect.

  • Members should maintain a record of certifications provided by him or her and assign a reference number to the certificate using the following;
Membership no Month and year Serial number
M78 18-May 5
My Ref. M78 /05/18 /005
  • In order to standardize the certification a format to be followed by all members have been developed for subdivision and amalgamations. Click here (PDF | DOCX) to download the format.